Kerala 2019
Role of Genetics in Management of GTD - Dr Baljeet Kaur
Pathological Diagnosis of Gestational Trophoblastic Diseases (GTD) - Dr Baljeet Kaur
State of the art for low-risk GTN - Dr Bary Hancock
Presentation and management of molar pregnancy - Dr Leon Massuger
Emerging role of immunotherapy for GTN - Dr Michael Seckl
An update on GTD & Gynaecological Oncology - Dr Michael Seckl
Intermediate risk GTN - Have we made a mistake? - Dr Raymond Osborne
Toronto 2019
Website ISSTD World Congress
Beijing 2018
Management and prognostic factors of epithelioid trophoblastic tumours: a case series of 54 patients
Seckl Beijing ISSTD 2018 - Role for immunotherapy in GTN
Osborne-Beijing - Intermediate risk GTN, have we made mistakes?
Staging and management of high risk gestational trophoblastic neoplasia
Sekharan - Challenges in the diagnosis and management of hydatidiform mole
Cagayan Beijing - Efficacy and Safety of GTN Chemotherapy